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As he is leaving after hearing of Grace’s accident, he is approached by Brent who is angry at Rick for going out with Leigh. She calms him, and Rick makes his way to the hotel where he finds Paige who thinks he was having sex with Meg. They enter the room and find Fred having fake sex with her. After finding out the truth, Meg kicks Fred in the face.
Upon hearing about Grace’s accident, Fred tries to go to the hospital but finds Brent vandalizing what Brent thought was Rick’s car. Upon seeing Paige’s aunt, his mother, at the hotel, Brent thinks Fred has had sex with her and tries to kill him as well, but runs out of bullets and is tackled by Paige and his mother. Rick and Fred enter Fred’s car and make their way to the hospital with Brent and the police chasing them. At the hospital, Brent is arrested for attacking them and Fred finds out Grace only broke her nose.
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